Museum Development Yorkshire and Coronavirus

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Museum Development Yorkshire is regularly reviewing its work in light of the COVID-19 outbreak.  As part of York Museums Trust, we receive daily updates by Visit York and the City of York Council who liaise with Visit England.  It is our policy to follow the guidance of the UK government and the devolved administrations, including the health and social care systems.


As a team we would like to emphasise:

  • Our priority is supporting the development of museums in Yorkshire
  • Museum Development Yorkshire, York Museums Trust and York are very much open for business
  • MDY will follow government guidelines to minimise the spread of the virus


We will continue to deliver our regional work as usual, including meetings and events, until UK government advice changes.  We understand that different museums may take different approaches according to their circumstances, and we accept that non-attendance at workshops is likely to increase during coming weeks.


To minimise the risk of inconvenience to you, please ensure when booking into our events that you enter accurate contact information, including an email address and phone number where you can be reached on the day, in case we are required to cancel events at short notice.


MDY is funded by Arts Council England who are working closely with DCMS to advocate for the sector and pass intelligence in both directions.


MDY recommends that museums develop policies and plans to respond to the threat from COVID-19 and communicate this to staff, volunteers and the public.  We also recommend that museums plan for business continuity or a potential period of closure when government advice changes.  Information on the threat is available from:


MDY is also happy to share York Museum Trust’s Covid-19 policy on request.