Coronavirus Update

MDY is working to ensure that we offer the best service to regional museums so that our sector remains vibrant and strong after this crisis.

The Museum Development Yorkshire team are well set up to work remotely and can offer alternatives to face-to-face meetings.

Throughout the crisis, we will support museums to preserve culture for their communities, whilst looking out for people’s health and following government advice.

As a team our priority is supporting museums in Yorkshire. 

Our Support

We have made some short-term decisions about how we respond to the Covid-19 emergency, and will continue to plan for the medium term, in response to government and WHO advice.

From Tuesday 17th March we will be changing some of the ways we work until 30th June 2020.  This means that:

  • We will postpone all our training workshops and forum events until the end of June
  • We will seek to deliver alternative online content where appropriate
    • Please continue booking onto events so that we can deliver content online
    • Our events will look and feel different, but we will aim to be available and in contact with you during this period
  • We will be flexible for deadlines for grant claims
  • We will prioritise supporting museums to remain viable and vibrant organisations
  • We will continue to work with museums on a one-to-one basis and will do so via phone or e-conference
  • We will honour all our commitments to consultants

We will contact all museums that requested coaching, mentoring or consultancy support for 2020-21 to discuss how best to meet their needs in the current environment.

Keep in touch

We will work with Arts Council England and key stakeholders to collect information about the impact of this crisis.  In the meantime, please let us know what is happening and what your needs/questions and concerns are by emailing and ACE is collating all queries on a central basis so that they can feedback to DCMS about whether our sector requires further guidance.

If you wish to speak to a specific member of the team you can find all our contact details here: 

If you are currently unable to access your usual museum email account due to remote or home working, please contact us with an alternative email address so that we can keep in touch.


MDY echoes ACE’s advice that museums should prepare and consider adjustments to their business plans and consider the level of disruption that might be caused.  It is likely that many museums will have to close for a period of time and change their public facing programme.

We encourage museums to look at the requirements of their business continuity insurance (if appropriate) and consider their responsibilities and liabilities for the public and the workforce.

Information on the threat is available from: