Alternative Fundraising – Free Workshops

Alternative Fundraising – Free Workshops
Museums are great at fundraising but we’re keen to encourage them to look beyond the usual funders and make the most of the opportunities available to them, which is why Museum Development North West and Museum Development Yorkshire have collaborated to create a new programme for museums in the North looking at alternative funding streams.
Alternative Sources of Money
Thursday 26 May, 10.00am – 11.30am
The first session will look at different sources of funding, how this money behaves and what this means for your museum. For example, social enterprise investment is different from philanthropy but what does this mean for the way you work? Your museum can also secure income for work it is already delivering, and many museums do not take advantage of these opportunities.
Bringing in New Money
Thursday 9 June, 10.00am – 11.30am
In this second session we will look at some of the schemes that are available so that your museum can receive financial relief or rebates from different parts of the public sector. Many museums are able to claim significant sums of money back through these schemes but not everyone takes advantage of them. We will look at funds available through local government as well as schemes such as Gift Aid and the Museums and Galleries Exhibition Tax Relief.
Growing Collections
Wednesday 29 June, 2.00pm – 4.00pm
In this third and final session we will look at ways museums can grow collections via cultural gifts, bequests, friends’ groups and object campaigns. We will also look at the legal and ethical implications for this type of work and what we need to consider when undertaking it.
Please note that these events are for those working in non-National, non-NPO Accredited museums in the North East, North West and Yorkshire.