East Riding and North Lincolnshire Museum Forum

Volunteer Development during Covid
We’ll look at ways of staying in touch with volunteers, and maintaining volunteer involvement during Covid restrictions.
How can we use this time to develop our relationship with volunteers and develop the range of volunteers we work with?
- Involving volunteers remotely – from staying in touch to remote volunteering
- Diversifying – bringing in new and different volunteers
Our speaker is Rebecca Benson, Volunteer Manager, Birmingham Museums Trust talking about how they developed volunteering practices during 2020, with tips and techniques that you can try.
We will also hear an update from Dominic Rogan, NPO Project Co-ordinator at East Riding of Yorkshire Museums Service, and Sarah Howard, Interim NPO Lead at Hull Museums, on the Hull Museums Partnership, and their experiences of re-opening, programming, working with families and young people, and engaging communities – plus opportunities for museums and visitors in 2021.
And there will be time to hear updates from MDY on ways we can help you and to catch up with your colleagues in the region!
We will meet via MS Teams.
An event link will be sent to booked delegates shortly before the meeting.