Raising and Earning Money Learning Cohort 2023-24
Training and Development Programme: MDY Learning Cohorts 2023-24
We are now welcoming Expressions of Interest for the 2023-24 learning cohorts.
MDY learning cohorts bring together groups of museums with a shared development interest to learn through training, mentoring and networking, sometimes supported with a small grant for implementing new practices.
Raising and Earning Money
This programme will explore fundraising, finance and income generation. It is led by Alan Bentley with in person and online sessions.
The content of the sessions will be focused on participants’ needs, but topics will include:
- Introduction to fundraising and enterprise for the uninitiated
- Sources of funding and revenue
- How to build your fundraising or business case
- How to manage relationships
- Value propositions, financing and pricing model
The first in person session will be on 26 June, venue to be confirmed. This is followed by online sessions 10am-12noon on 19 July, 7 September, 4 October, 13 November and 6 December.
The deadline for submitting your expression of interest in the Raising and Earning Money Cohort is 24 April 2023.
Expressions of Interest for Learning Cohorts 2023-24
Please note final confirmation of all cohorts will depend on demand from museums.