National Trust Collections & Interpretation Advisory Group
From the National Trust Collections & Interpretation Advisory Group:
We are looking for new members to join the Collections & Interpretation Advisory Group, to share their unique expertise and act as critical friends. Collections & Interpretation is one of four voluntary Advisory Groups in the Trust providing advice and provocation to the discussion of strategic topics commissioned by members of the Exec team. The other groups are: Commercial, Natural Environment, and Historic Environment which together cover the areas where external volunteer advice is greatly valued. These groups are highly respected professionals who give their time, both as individuals on site, and working as a group at bi-annual meetings, to advise on strategy, significant projects and acquisitions. Collections and Interpretation group members also act as a source of peer review in relation to all aspects of historic houses, their interiors, collections, presentation and interpretation, ensuring the best possible physical and intellectual access and public engagement. Key strategies members of this group are expected to feed into are; Experiences, Looking After, Diversity and Inclusion and the Urban Places Programme.
We are looking for four new members who are change makers within their respective organisations that have worked at a strategic level and/or taken the lead on dynamic organisational change, with experience of taking responsibility for associated communication and risk-management. It would be beneficial for applicants to have expertise and interests covering one or more of the following areas:
- Public programming with experience working at a museum, cultural institution or historic property to assist us with our audience engagement. Expertise in developing multi-channel programmes, exhibitions strategies and knowledge of interpretation and design would be relevant.
- Research Helping to provide support to our existing team with the development of thinking around future research priorities, funding bids and partners. Experience working with IROs is helpful.
- Museum Studies to advise on our museum practice, including collections management and audience engagement in a heritage setting. Helping to develop our strategies for collections management, curatorship, research, and public engagement.
- Architectural Historian with knowledge of historic interiors and architecture, as well as an understanding of the research bid process or working on heritage change projects. Experience of working as a lecturer in architectural history or similar would also be valuable.
The role requires a commitment of up to ten days a year, and is for an initial term of three years with the potential for the term to be renewed. Advisory Groups each meet twice per year. Further to this, members are sometimes invited to attend property visits to provide advice on specific projects, or support strategic pieces of work in workshops with members of staff from across the Trust. The positions are voluntary, but expenses are paid.
Applicants must submit a short CV and a covering letter expressing why they feel motivated to join the Group.
For further information about role and the work of the Collections & Interpretation Advisory Group, please contact Jessica Monaghan, Group Convenor:
To apply: Email a brief CV and covering letter to Isabel Gilbert, Advisory Groups Coordinator (01793 817574)
Closing date: 12:00, 26 February 2019 We are committed to equal opportunities. The National Trust is for everyone and we welcome applications from all sections of the community.
Interviews: 26 March and 1 April 2019
C&I Spring Meeting: 24 & 25 April 2019