Museum Development North February Update

The Museum Development North team are continuing to finalise programme details for 2024-25 and will shortly publish information about activity in April to June 2024.  Until April, the Museum Development teams in the North East, North West and Yorkshire will continue operating as normal, providing advice and support to regional museums.

Subscribe now to Museum Development North 
As we become one team for the north of England, working across three organisations, we need to undergo a simple process to renew your consent to process your data.

We encourage everyone working in and with museums in the north of England to subscribe to us, so that you hear about relevant opportunities and services whatever your role, including direct emails about sector opportunities and regular updates with a summary of MD North news.

Please read the MD North Privacy Statement here: Privacy Statement Museum Development North – Museum Development Yorkshire

**IMPORTANT** So that you continue to receive communications, please subscribe to receive MD North communications by completing this short form Subscribe to Museum Development North

Get ready for April 2024 
From April, the MD North team will be providing programmes and grants across the north of England as well as support and advice for networks and individual museums. We will have team members based in each region.

Every museum will have a Museum Development Advisor as a point of contact, and there will also be opportunities to work with people across the team through their different specialisms.

Our support programme for museums in the north of England responds to Arts Council England’s Strategy, Let’s Create, and addresses the four Investment Principles.

Meet the MD North team online – Thursday 18th April  
We’re excited to hold our first online session as Museum Development North on Thursday 18th April 2pm to 3.30pm. BOOK HERE

Open Grants 
Our first funding opportunity for Accredited museums will launch in April 2024, with a closing date of June.

Further funding opportunities will follow, including CPD Bursaries.

Look out for our next update in March 
We will update you further next month, including details of our new website.  In the meantime, if you have any questions or concerns, please talk to your regional MD contact.

About MD North 
MD North will be managed by a new partnership between York Museums Trust, the Manchester Museums Partnership, Cumbria Museum Consortium and Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums.

The MD North partnership is being funded by ACE with an award of £1.4m to deliver museum development activity in the north of England from 1st April 2024 until 31st March 2026. This new partnership builds on the team’s experience of collaborative working across the north of England since 2018.