Making Change: Culture, Health & Wellbeing Alliance national conference, 11-13 October 2023

The Culture, Health and Wellbeing Alliance is bringing their three day national conference, Making Change, to Barnsley this October. The event will take place in various locations around the town centre from 11-13 October, and will be a  fantastic opportunity for practitioners, managers, policy makers and researchers from the world of arts, health and communities to pose vital questions about the future wellbeing of people and the planet, as well as reflect on their own practice, and take an opportunity to refuel and renourish and connect with each other. We have both in person and digital tickets available, as well as a range of ticket options and funded bursaries.


Volunteering Opportunities

The Culture, Health and Wellbeing Alliance are looking for meet and greet support for the event. If you think you or your organisation might be able to help, please contact Volunteers will be asked to give 4 hours of their time and will have their conference ticket, travel and refreshments provided



We currently have a number of bursaries available to practitioners. For more information please see