Expressions of Interest: MDY Learning Cohorts 2022-23

What are your development priorities for next year?
We are now seeking expressions of interest for our 2022-23 learning cohorts.
Learning cohorts are open to museums of all sizes and types in the region. We have received very positive feedback from museums participating in learning cohorts.
The cohorts bring together groups of museums with a shared development interest to learn through training, mentoring and networking, sometimes supported with a small grant for implementing new practices.
We welcome all museums based in Yorkshire and the Humber as members of cohorts, including NPOs and National Museums. However, NPOs and National Museums are not eligible for MDY grant funding, if this is on offer to the cohort.
Your museum can be involved in as many cohorts as you have capacity to attend. Cohorts may involve approx. 3-6 one-day meetings over the course of the year, as well as a commitment to implementing new learning in your museum. To benefit fully from participating, we expect a commitment by one lead person to attend all meetings, and some museums will also find it helpful to send a second or different attendees to different meetings. All participants bring something different to a learning cohort, so everyone is welcome – regardless of where your museum is in its development process, or of your existing experience.
This year we are running 6 Cohorts:
- Collections at the Heart
- Developing Front of house
- Everyday Innovation
- First Principles
- Health and Wellbeing
- Raising and Earning Money
Click here to find out about each Cohort in more detail
Expressions of Interest
- Final places will be offered prior to launch
- Focus on museum need
- All are welcome (but there may be restrictions on mentoring)
- 5 days of your time
We are accepting expressions of Interest for the MDY Learning Cohorts until 13th June 2022, at 9:00am.
Please click here to fill out the application form.
If you have any further questions about the Learning Cohorts please email