Yorkshire Industrial Collections Network – Brew Up

Yorkshire Industrial Collections Network – Brew Up!
At National Coal Mining Museum for England – Wed 13 July 11am-3.30pm
Yorkshire Industrial Collections Network has thrived in its new online Brew Up! format during the pandemic.
This will be our first opportunity to meet in person since autumn 2019. We’re delighted to be at the National Coal Mining Museum for England, with an opportunity to reflect on the challenges for caring for and opportunities for sharing large industrial objects outdoors.
We’ll also be hearing from the National Railway Museum on approaches to managing long-term and complex object loans.
Speakers include:
Mark Carlyle, Curator, NCMME – on conserving and using industrial collections stored outside, including a tour of the collections compound and outdoor displays
Paddy McNulty, Railway Partnerships Manager, National Railway Museum – on managing long-term loans of large and working industrial objects
For more information, please contact: MDYOffice@ymt.org.uk
National Coal Mining Museum
Caphouse Colliery
New Road