Yorkshire Industrial Collections Network – Brew Up!
Industrial Collections in a Climate Crisis
The Brew Up brings together people who work with industrial collections in Yorkshire. Join Dieter Hopkin to connect with colleagues in the region, discuss the issues surrounding industrial collections and and ask questions.
The theme of this session will be Industrial Collections in a Climate Crisis.
For our industrial collections, environmental sustainability connects to every aspect of our work, being literally at the core of the collections in coal mining. At the same time, industrial sites and heritage operations are at threat from the impact of climate change, or from changes which will result from decarbonisation. Equally, larger industrial sites can offer opportunities for carbon neutral operations from renewable energy sources.
Join us to gain ideas, and share challenges and solutions.
Our speakers are:
- John McGoldrick – Leeds Museums & Galleries – on threats to industrial collections
- Charlotte Adams – The Coal Authority – on generating heat from mine water as a renewable energy source
- Mike Nevell – Industrial Heritage Support Officer for England – on threats to industrial collections, adaptation and disaster response
This will also be an opportunity to catch up with colleagues and MDY contacts in person, and to continue broad conversations about environmental sustainability in industrial museums and collections.