SWFed Conference 2018 ‘Confronting the Challenges: Visits & Collections’

All of us working in the Museums and Heritage Sector face daily challenges in appealing to a wide range of people:
“How do we reach that elusive audience? What do we choose to let go from our amazing but overflowing collections? How can we be more creative in engaging existing visitors?”
The 2018 SWFed Conference will confront these daily challenges in tough financial times.
There is an exciting line-up of specialists and heritage professionals from across two of the key fields in which we work, visits and collections (both of which go hand in hand). Speakers will share expertise, showcase findings from live projects and partnerships, and provide hands-on workshops – helping you to ‘confront the challenges’.
The keynote speakers will be Helen Bonser-Wilton (CEO of the Mary Rose Trust), and Kevin Gosling (CEO of the Collections Trust) – each setting the tone for a great day of learning, sharing and challenge-busting.
Many organisations have limited resources for staff development – to accommodate this, the conference’s split-topic format will allow staff and volunteers who can only attend one day to focus on either visits (4 July) or collections (5 July) with a specific keynote for each. Those able to attend both days will enjoy a varied programme that will enable them to think about how the two areas can support each other.
There will be plenty of opportunities for networking, including an optional social event on the evening of the first day.
University of Exeter
Stocker Road,