Forward Planning for Museum Accreditation

This day will look at forward plans within a museum context for Accreditation. It will be led by Michael Turnpenny, Head of Museum Development Yorkshire.
Arrival from 10am, Session times 10:30 – 3pm
Accreditation 2018 expects museums to have a forward or business plan, which covers the current and subsequent planning year, appropriate to the size and scale of the organisation.
It must cover the following areas:
- the museum’s statement of purpose
- a clearly stated period covered by the plan
- ts key aims
- how these aims will be achieved
- what resources, including people, equipment and money, is needed to achieve these aims
- budgets for the current and subsequent planning year
- the date the plan will be reviewed
This workshop will look at the forward planning process and what is needed to meet the minimum requirements for Accreditation. It will cover what makes a good Forward Plan and include interactive exercises to help museums assess their current environment in order to inform and develop their vision for the organisation, and to support the planning process.
We recommend that two delegates per organisation attend this session to get the most from this opportunity. Attendees should include a team member actively involved in the delivery of the Forward Plan and someone with administrative powers of approval.
Due to the nature of this session places are limited so early booking is advised to avoid disappointment.
The Hospitium
Museum Gardens
Museum St