Elevenses, Tuesday 5 March, MA Conference and Bursaries Briefing

We really pleased that the Museums Association Conference is in the North this year, hosted by Leeds from 12-14 November 2024. If you would like to hear more about the event and how you and your museum can be involved, please join this session presented by Simon Stephens, Head of Publications and Events at the MA. Simon will outline the conference theme, the benefits of attending, bursaries available, and will provide some top tips on how to make a successful conference proposal. The call for proposals runs from 14 February to 14 March and the MA is keen to attract submissions from museums of all sizes and types. Simon will also be on hand to answer any other questions you have about the event.
Insightful, interactive and informal, come along to gain new insights from our guests, meet colleagues from the region, and connect with the MDY team. Everyone who works and volunteers in museums is most welcome, including museum freelancers who want to stay connected.
There’s no need to book, just click the link below on the day:
If you have any questions about Elevenses, you are new to Microsoft Teams and would like to arrange a familiarisation session, or if you’d like to speak about your current or emerging work at Elevenses please contact Sue Hughes at: sue.hughes@ymt.org.uk.