Elevenses – Thursday 16th September

Inclusivity & Relevance – Dive into Arts Council England’s Investment Principles
The first in a series of sessions exploring what Arts Council England’s Investment Principles mean and how your organisation might use them to apply for funding. Arts Council staff will talk us through resources and information, and enhance your understanding of how you can align your work with their funding criteria. Plenty of opportunities for questions and discussion.
There’s no need to book, just click the link below on the day:
Join Microsoft Teams Meeting
If you have any questions about Elevenses, or you are new to Microsoft Teams and would like to arrange a familiarisation session, please contact Alice Macpherson at: alice.macpherson@ymt.org.uk.
If you’d like to speak about your current or emerging work at Elevenses, please contact Jo Bartholomew at: joanne.bartholomew@ymt.org.uk.