Digital Leadership with Culture24

Leading a Digitally Literate Museum
Online, via Zoom
On Tuesday 16th June and Thursday 18th June 14:15-16:15
Is your museum leadership team confident when it comes to digital? Are they as digitally literate as our fast-changing world requires? The opportunities around digital culture can be huge but it’s a multi-layered environment that is a challenge for many museums to exploit.
In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, museums more than ever need a digitally literate workforce that understands the ways in which digital technologies, content and culture can best serve their mission. It is down to museum leadership to create the right conditions to meet those challenges. This online workshop will combine strategy, theory and expert insight with practical advice and peer support.
Who should attend?
Chief executives, directors, board members and senior leaders from non-NPO, Accredited museums may attend free of charge. (max one person per organisation)
Please note the workshop is specifically designed for museum leaders with responsibilities across the museum’s strategy and operations (i.e. not the digital team leaders!). We’re firm believers in leading change from wherever you are situated in an organisation but this particular workshop will bring most value to executive and board-level leaders.
This online workshop will encourage active learning and plenty of discussion for a small group of up to 12 delegates. You will join two online content sessions, each lasting two hours and spread across two days, with a short self-led workshop exercise in between.
Learning objectives
By the end of this course you will have:
Improved your own digital literacy and understanding
Fuller understanding of the opportunities around digital culture for your organisation
A range of inspirational yet pragmatic and relatable case studies
Practical next steps to implement in your organisation
A new network of peers all tackling similar issues
Signposting to free online resources to support you going forward
Support towards Museum Accreditation
Organisational Health:
2.1 An approved forward or business plan which covers the current and subsequent planning year
Anra Kennedy is Culture24’s Partnerships Director. Anra works with museums, galleries and heritage organisations across the UK and internationally. She specialises in digital literacy and skills development, digital publishing and cultural education, all with a view to supporting organisations’resilience, impact and social purpose. She brings extensive experience of training and mentoring museum leaders and practitioners, to build their confidence and empower change in their working practice.
Jane Finnis is CEO of Culture24. She is a cultural entrepreneur with a highly successful track record of dynamic leadership, cross sector partnership building and creative production work. Jane brings her recent experience as part of #CultureisDigital – a conversation between Government, the cultural sector and tech companies in order to better understand the creative potential of technology and boost the capability of cultural organisations.
This workshop is provided as part of Culture24’s Arts Council England-funded Sector Support programme and is provided in partnership with Museum Development Yorkshire.