Collections Documentation : Inventory

This session will explore the planning and documentation involved in an Inventory project, using the Spectrum 5.0 Inventory procedure as a framework.

What information do you need to meet the requirements for the Inventory procedure? What does your policy say about Inventory? How can you create a plan to address backlogs? How can you fill in your information gaps?

There will opportunities to discuss with colleagues, ask questions throughout and submit questions in advance.

By the end of the session, delegates will:

• Understand the role of the Spectrum standard, and its supporting guidance, in relation to museum Accreditation.

• Understand the Spectrum requirements for the Inventory procedure.

• Understand policy related to Inventory.

• Know how to plan to address a backlog.

• Know where to find more information and guidance.


Before the session:

• If possible, read what Spectrum has to say about Inventory– including the standard and suggested procedure.

• Think about how you do things in your museum, referring to your in-house procedural manual if you have access to it, although we appreciate you might not right now. You might also find it useful to have it with you to refer to during the session.

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