ACE Study Day – A Day in the Life of the Natural History Museum

Join The Natural History Museum as you go behind the scenes and discover how the commercial teams operate at one of the UK’s most iconic museums. The Natural History Museum exists to inspire a love of the natural world and unlock answers to the big questions facing the planet.
With 80 million specimens, over 300 scientists and 4.5 million visitors per year, the need to increase self generated income from commercial businesses whilst delivering a high standard of customer service and operations is an ongoing challenge.
You’ll hear from many of the senior commercial teams including Visitor Experience, Venue Hire and Filming, Catering, Retail, Publishing and Visitor Events, and you’ll also have a chance to view the Sensational Butterflies exhibition.
Please click here for more information
The Natural History Museum
Cromwell Road
London, London SW7 5BD
United Kingdom