Digital development opportunities with Culture 24

Digital development opportunities with Culture 24
Booking is now open for new dates these popular development sessions with Culture24.
All courses are delivered online Zoom in 3 x 2hr sessions – one session per week for three weeks.
There are 18 places on each course – 2 places for each of 9 museums.
All sessions are being delivered for museums across the Museum Development North East, North West and Yorkshire regions.
For more information please contact:
Tue 13 Sep, Wed 21 Sep, Tue 27 Sep 2022 10am-12pm
Digital Storytelling with a collections focus
Is your museum making the most of its digitised collections content online? Finding the right channel, tone, voice, and techniques to reach and connect with audiences online isn’t easy. This course will explore the specific tensions and challenges that digital storytelling can pose. It will focus on the many advantages that museums and collections offer in this space.
We will explore both the practicalities and strategic considerations of digital storytelling using collections content, looking at content on websites and social channels. There will be examples from museums, galleries and beyond, giving you plenty of food for thought, practical tips, and ideas to take away and try.
This online course is aimed at anyone based in a small or medium-sized museum who is tasked with creating content for online platforms yet isn’t a digital content specialist.
More information and booking via MDY for all regions here
Thu 17 Nov, Thu 24 Nov, Thu 1 Dec 2022 10am-12pm
Leading a digitally literate museum
Is your museum leadership team confident when it comes to digital? Are they as digitally literate as our fast-changing world requires? The opportunities around digital culture can be huge but it is a multi-layered environment that is a challenge for many museums to exploit, particularly in the current climate.
In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, museums more than ever need a digitally literate workforce that understands the ways in which digital technologies, content and culture can best serve their mission. It is down to museum leadership to create the right conditions to meet those challenges. This online course will combine strategy, theory and expert insight with practical advice and peer support.
This course is specifically designed for museum leaders at executive and board-level with responsibilities across the museum’s strategy and operations (i.e., not the digital team leaders). This includes chief executives, directors, board members and senior leaders.
More information and booking via MDNE for all regions here
Tue 21 Feb, Tue 28 Feb, Tue 7 Mar 2023 2-4pm
Assessing your museum’s digital capacity
For museums to be able to take full advantage of everything digital can offer, they must first understand how and where digital sits within their organisation. The Digital Culture Compass is a powerful tool which can help a museum to evaluate how digital relates to their organisation. This course helps smaller museums understand how to use the toolkit before applying it to their own organisations.
In this three-part workshop, participants will be guided through using parts of the Digital Culture Compass to complete an assessment of some of their museum’s digital activities. They will leave with the confidence, tools and resources needed to complete the full toolkit within their own organisation, involving their staff, volunteers and trustees in the process.
This course is aimed at people in senior leadership roles, and/or those with digital responsibilities in their museum – this includes chief executives, directors, board members and senior leaders.
Two members from each participating museum should attend to ensure that they are able to enact and embed change more effectively within their organisation. Ideally the second member of staff or volunteer would be involved in delivery of the digital activities of the museum.
More information and booking via MDNW for all regions here.