Future High Streets Fund: call for proposals

The Future High Streets Fund is an essential part of Our Plan for the High Street, providing co-funding towards capital projects that bring transformative change. We want to see the regeneration of our town centres through innovative proposals around transport, housing delivery and our public services.

The Fund will operate as a two-stage application process.

Applications for Phase 1 calls for local authorities to submit Expressions of Interest to highstreetsfund@communities.gov.uk by 22 March 2019 setting out their challenges and strategic approach to regenerating town centres.

We will assess these and make an announcement on places moving forward to Phase 2 in summer 2019.

Engagement events for the Future High Streets Fund – Expression of Interest stage
There will be a series of engagement events organised by the Cities and Local Growth Unit to discuss the Future High Streets Fund and field questions about the application process.
Please contact HighStreetsFund@communities.gov.uk if you have any questions about these events.

For more information and guidance notes visit: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/future-high-streets-fund-call-for-proposals

Key date for the region:

National Railway Museum, Leeman Rd, York, YO26 4XJ
19 February
10:00 – 11:30