Celebrating Museums 2023 – booking now open

We are delighted to invite you to Celebrating Museums 2023 on Wednesday 1st February, at The Hospitium in York.

We hope you can join us to hear museums’ stories of challenge, progress and achievement, and to reflect on ways that we are moving forwards together in the region.

The day will feature:

  • Speakers from Arts Council England and Museum Development Yorkshire
  • A programme of short presentations from a range of museums
  • Q&A and panel discussions exploring current issues

Celebrating Museums 2023 will be jointly hosted by Museum Development Yorkshire and Arts Council England, and is supported by York Museums Trust. This will be our first in-person, whole region event since 2019.

Please join us for a day that will be informative, inspirational and reflective, sharing progress and challenges.

This event is free of charge and includes refreshments and a light lunch for all attendees.

Please book as soon as possible via this link. Booking will close on 23rd January 2023.

Would you like to present an aspect of your work? 

Celebrating Museums 2023 will offer a range of speakers presenting brief case studies which represent their museum’s recent progress.  If you would like to offer a case study presentation, please send us details via this link.

We will select a wide range of speakers to showcase work by different types of museums throughout the region, ranging across museum activities, and addressing Arts Council England Investment Principles in a variety of ways.

We look forward to hearing from you, and we hope to see you on 1st February.