Annual Museum Survey 2020 Results

The figures from the Annual Museum Survey 2020 are now available to view online. This is part of a national survey from Museum Development England, with funding from Arts Council England. The data is the most comprehensive and robust survey of English museums in more than a decade. Using the report below, we can show the social and economic importance of non-national Accredited museums to funders and stakeholders – locally, regionally, and nationally.
The data is also challenging assumptions about the nature of museums in our region and the challenges they face. With this information regional museums will be able to create evidence-based advocacy and benchmark their performance against museums across England. MDY will also be using this data to inform our plans. There is a great deal of detail in the results and if your museum would like to work with us to use this information to inform your planning or performance reviews, please contact your MDO.
We will be issuing the next version of the Annual Survey in the summer, and we would love to get an even greater response rate so we can better understand and evidence how the pandemic has affected our work and our recovery.